Water strainer leak on Volvo Diesals


New member
FYI everyone;

I started noticing water in the bilge and on the engine block in the area of the strainer. It turned out to be the strainer cover was leaking under pressure. Volvo has a bulletin out to replace this part with an updated one. My mechanic also recommended putting some grease on the gasket to help it seal and make it easier to remove.
Thanks for the FYI Joe.

How's your epoxy filled blend rings holding up?

Since I didn't have any luck with my local dealer or Volvo, I filled the new blend rings with epoxy myself and so far with approximately 32 hours of boating, I can see my port blend ring starting to walk back into the prop slowly. The starboard blend ring is still holding up fine.
hey WTS;

The epoxy blend rings are doing fine. Also, the new props with the built in stops are holding steady. Volvo sent me some different blend rings to try but I have not installed them yet. They are not aluminum, but supposedly made from a stronger material. I am waiting to install them after my boating season slows a bit. Less down time if they do not work out. Did you ever find out which props you had? Te old style and new style both have the same part number. You can only tell the difference by the manufacture date.

give me a call and let me know what your running in to.