Voltage/Noise Filters?


Well-known member
I believe these are noise/alternator filters installed by Formula from the factory. They only have 2 wire hook ups. Positive off the alternator and ground.

Does anyone know anything about them? One on each engine. Can't tell if they do anything.

At idle I get 'noise' through the stereo that I can drown out at higher volumes. If I turn the radio OFF at idle, I get noise through it still.

If I turn the engines off, all noise goes away. I haven't tested if it's 1 engine or both. I guess I could start with that.

Should I replace these? Remove them? Anyone have a make/model of them?

Thanks. I'll do some checking to see if it's a specific engine that causes the noise. I'm guessing it's port as I start that one first, and the noise usually starts right way. but won't hurt to verify before I do anything. I'll remove the wiring. see if anything changes, then pull the gizmo's. then reevaluate.