New old Formula owner


New member
Hi all,I just acquired a 1989 Formula PC29.The boat has 454s and Bravo outdrives along with a generator.She needs some love as 1 engine is bad but I already have another for it. Rubrail is cracked in a few spots and I am looking to replace that.Everything else is pretty good shape.I live in south Jersey and progress is slow until the weather gets warmer.Will post pix when I get a few posts in.
No personal experience with the 29, but like all boats start by looking at the transom and stringers. Use a 1/4 drill bit and drill low from the inside of the transom about 3/8 inch deep. Put tape on the bit so you don't go to deep. If the wood that comes out is blond and dry then all good, but if its dark and damp, your looking at lots of work. Do the same thing with the stringers. Fill holes with 3M 4000 or 4200.
Common problems . . . >>> Wood structure . . . absorbs water . . . and possibly needing to replace the fuel tank.
Thanks for the advice.I'm going to pull both engines and the genny out and clean everything up to see what needs attention. I have my 28' Carver to use while working on this project.