Cleaning adhesive from vinyl


I have some adhesive residue from some tape on one of my cockpit seats. OK to use acetone to clean it or is this a no no. Part that needs to be cleaned goes across some stitching if that matters.

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I would start with dabbing some WD-40 from a cloth across the residue or possibly some goo-gone. If it is still there move onto some super degreaser, which is stronger than all purpose cleaner. This can be diluted four parts water to one part product and sprayed on. Available from Walmart and most automotive stores, possibly Target too. Meguiars make a great super degreaser.
dont use anything you cant use on your own skin. You may get the adhesive off otherwise but several months down the line find nice cracking and hardening has replaced the problem. My wife went to town on my vinyls with some hefty cleaners, it was a very costly cleanup bill :/

edit: not sure if it will get glue off but Johnsons Baby Wipes has served me well for most stains and clean-up jobs on my vinyls. It's surprising what all it will take off.
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