34 PC A/C Question


Active member
Any late model PC owners notice the bus voltage drop when your air-conditioning compressor engages? Mine is dropping about 15 V. I don't remember seeing it drop that much in the past, although I haven't watched all that closely. My air-conditioning is cooling fine, but I am having a minor issue. Just trying to isolate the problem, and I'm starting with the basics. TIA.
No, it's staying low as long as the compressor is engaged. The unit is supposed to reject any power below 105V, and simply not turn on, but it still runs normally. Will be checking the bus voltage with a more accurate meter tomorrow.
Ok, that rules out genny, which is good news. Im not knowledgable on ac units, but i do know that when compressor winding has come loose it can draw high amps due to grounding. Dont take this to the bank.

I would get an ac guy in there. I dont think your problem is on the supply side, but rather on the ac side.