Change tire on eagle trailer


New member
Hey all
I'm newbie here.

I need to chage the tires on my eagle trailer. I have people scarring me to not remove the tires with the boat on it.
Is this possible to do / recommended? Do places do this ?

Or should I dump the boat in water then have the trailer tires replaced.

Why not? What would they do if you were on the side of the road?
Place jack under suspension as close to the wheel as possible.
I agree,

But thought I would ask before doing it.

I heard you should not lift it from the axle only from the frame.

any thoughts?
Are you jacking up a 240 or a 370? If you jack is rated for the load, keep your boat tied down and work away. I imagine those against leaving the boat on are concerned with the trailer getting away from the jack, good level ground and chocks and get to work, says I.