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    Annapolis Powerboat Show

    Due to the Inclement Weather at the Annapolis Powerboat Show, Formula has Extended our Inventory Reduction Pricing for One Weekend Only. The Boat Show will be held in our showroom at 225 Hess Rd, Grasonville MD 21638 on Saturday from 10am to 4 pm. Many boats at Invoice Prices and 100% Financing...
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    Hi Formula Boat Owners! Just wanted to let you know of some opportunities that have hit the market. Unfortunately, everyone has been hit by the current economic crisis, people and businesses alike. GE which was a "floor plan company" for a boat dealership which is now defunct...has asked for our...
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    Grand Opening August 2-3rd in Grasonville MD 21638

    North Atlantic Marine Group Maryland is proud to announce the Grand Opening of State of the Art 30,000 sqr. foot Showroom in Grasonville Maryland. We have a huge selection of Formula Boats on display. Come in out of the hot, hazy weather and look at the lastest and greatest from Formula. Great...